Research on Prevention of Secondary Disaster by Investigation of Drift Routes of Marine Debris Generated from the Tsunami Following the Great East Japan Earthquake
3R Promotion through Waste Biomass Utilization in Japan and Asian Regions
- 研究概要 ・Research Digest
- 地域に広がる廃棄物系バイオマス利活用の輪 ・Circle of waste biomass utilization growing in the region
- 世界に広げる廃棄物系バイオマス利活用の輪 ・Circle of waste biomass utilization growing in the world
- 廃棄物系バイオマスの利活用を促進するために(各種手法の開発) ・Promoting waste biomass utilization(Development various approaches)
- 廃棄物系バイオマスの利活用の未来像 ・Future vision of waste biomass utilization
Efforts of 3R Activities in Tottori, JAPA Selected Lectures in Public Forum, The 10th Anniversary Expert meeting on Solid Waste Management in Asia and Pacific Islands (2012)
- Opening Remarks : The Health of the Planet and Health of Human Being (The first half ) Prof.Masaru TANAKA (Director of Sustainability Research Institute , TUES )
- Engagement to Conserve and Enrich Lake Togo Masaharu HIGASHIBARA (Yurihama Town Office)
- Corrugated Box Composting Noriko TANIGUCI (Tottori Tomonokai)
- Misasa Onsen Resort , Symbiosys with the Environment Yuji AIOI (Misasa Onsen Tourist Association )
- Closing Remarks : The Health of the Planet and Health of Human Being (The Secound half) Prof.Masaru TANAKA (Director of Sustainability Research Institute , TUES)
3R Promotion through Waste Biomass Utilization in Japan and Asian Regions
- 総合版 研究概要 ・Waste Biomass Utilization
- 地域に密着した廃棄物系バイオマス利活用 ・Community-Orientated Efforts to Utilize Waste Biomass
- 廃棄物系バイオマス利活用技術を見てみよう ・Waste Biomass Utilization Technologies
- 世界に広がる廃棄物系バイオマス利活用 ・Waste Biomass Utilization in Asian Region
- 廃棄物系バイオマス利活用の今後の展開 ・Future Development of Waste Biomass Utilization
Generated Waste and Recovery & Disposal of Solid Waste on the Sea of Japan Coast
- 総合版 研究概要
- 発生源調査 どこから来たごみはどこへいくの?
- 発生実態調査 どこにどんなごみがあるの?
- 発生抑制のための普及啓発 アジアで取り組もう海ごみ対策
- 回収・処理システムの検討 海ごみの処理はどうしたらいいの?
Generated Waste and Recovery & Disposal of Solid Waste on the Sea of Japan Coast
- オープニング ・Opening
- 研究報告概要 ・Summary of The Research Project
- 漂着ごみの発生源調査 ・Investigation of waste Sources
- 漂着ごみの発生実態調査 ・Investigation of Sea Wastes
- 海ごみ発生抑制のための普及啓発 ・Education and Advocacy
- 漁業由来の海ごみ回収処理制度の検討 ・The examination of recovery and disposal system -To solve the marine litter problem relating to the fishing-
- 回収処理システム -国際シンポジウムから得られた海外の事例- ・Recovery and Treatment system
- [番外編]桃太郎の海ごみ退治(一般向け日本語版)
- [番外編]桃太郎の海ごみ退治(子供向け日本語版)